Sunday, October 24, 2010

This totally rocks.

Wowa! I haven't written in a while, huh? I'm sorry internet, life seems to have kept me rather busy lately!

Anyway, I just wanted to share something that totally and completely rocks! As you might remember, I started a little social business called Sis Hope, which works to lower the high rates of menstrual related absenteeism among school age girls in rural Uganda. I've partnered with a super awesome group, Afri Pads, that employs local women in Uganda to sew reusable cloth menstrual pads which are then distributed at local schools and health clinics for a really affordable price. Disposable sanitary napkins are rather expensive in Uganda and most girls simply cannot afford to buy them, so they resort to using ineffective homemade materials that just don't cut it when it comes to Aunt Flow. Unfortunately, these girls stay home from school during the week of their period because they simply do not have an effective way to manager their period. They fall behind in their school work and many eventually drop out. So this is where these affordable, reusable pads come in from Afri Pads. Girls can afford to buy these pads, which can actually be washed and reused for an entire year, without one bit of trash. Awesome, right?

Well we partnered with Afri Pads because there were still girls who, despite the lower costs, were still unable to afford the pads. So that is where Sis Hope comes in. Check it out at You can find a ton of information about this issue and what we're doing to help. It's pretty awesome.

So this weekend a group of girls at the Ndegeya Vocational School for Children with Special Needs in Uganda were given menstrual kits from Sis Hope. Now these girls can stay in school everyday, even during their period. It makes my heart smile.

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