Saturday, October 30, 2010

Elections & Orange Chicken

The mid-term elections are coming up next week and I'm actually pretty excited to see what happens. I wouldn't call myself a news junkie, but I do watch a good hour or two of news each day and frequent the BBC website multiple times a week. I do my best to see both sides of the issues so I try to flip back and forth between CNN and Fox News, but I always watch the O'Reilly Factor while I'm cooking dinner, it's actually become a bit of a tradition in my house.

So I'm pretty jazzed about Tuesday night. There has been so much debate about which side is going to win, Donkeys vs. Elephants, and I'm just glad to finally see the end of this. Everyone's got their big concerns: the economy, the war, taxes, jobs, ect and this election is going to be a significant indicator of which way things will go over the next two years.

Another reason I'm glad this election is almost over? COMMERCIALS! I mean really, how many more ugly political ads can I endure? I think I've reached my limit and I'm ready to see them disappear...I can't believe I'm going to say it, but I'm actually looking forward to the Christmas commercials. Eek. I'll also be happy to see the little annoying signs go away, you know the ones that are practically stacked on top of each other on the side of the road or in front of the library. Do they really think 10 neon yellows signs will change my mind?

Back in 2008 the Hubster and I ordered a whole mess of take-out Chinese food for the night of the Presidential election. We stayed up super late watching all the numbers roll in and it ended up being a really fun night. (Yes, we are nerds!) So our plan is to re-create that night this Tuesday. I'm really looking forward to a big ol' plate of Chinese food and cuddling up on the coach with my boy as we watch everyone freak out as results come in.

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