Saturday, September 25, 2010

Happiness is this right here.

{He is unusually photogenic, can't you tell?}

I have to admit that I'm pretty obsessed with my husband. We grew up together and my first memory of him dates back to the 2nd grade. He was two years older than me in school and I remember seeing him in the hallway on class picture day. He came to school in a big cowboy hat and I can remember thinking, "Who is that weirdo?" No joke. This actually happened. We never got around to talking to each other until I was 15, but the rest is history.

So anyway, it would be safe to say that since the age of 15 I have been obsessed with this guy. (And incredibly blessed) We got married young. I was 20, he was 22. People gave us crap about it, insisting we were too young and didn't know enough about life to get married. Family and even close friends thought we were nuts. We knew we were taking a huge leap of faith, but we were crazy about each other and it was all we wanted. Sidenote here: I've never understood people's annoyance, even anger, with couples getting married young. It's almost like we're doing something offensive. Why not just be happy for two people who love each other? Please leave your opinions at home if you can't do that, thanks.

We've been married for almost four years now and I cannot believe how amazing it is. It was the best thing I ever did. He is my best friend, the funnest person I know (even when he does his weirdo face in cute pictures like this one) and the only person I could spend 24/7 with. We're obsessed with spending time together, I mean even to the point of being ridiculous. We love going grocery shopping together, cooking together, and we never listen to the radio in the car because we can't stop talking. Now I'm not saying we're the Brady Bunch here, we argue from time to time like anyone. But thankfully we're too worried about "wasting time" to do that very often.

You might say we're crazy, even a little clingy, but I wouldn't have it any other way. We will never be the couple that takes separate vacations or spends more than one or two nights apart-that is unless it was absolutely unavoidable. And even then we'd probably freak out.

But this is my happiness. And it is the greatest thing ever.

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