Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Missing Uganda

I can't stop thinking about Uganda today. It blows my mind to think that it has been nearly a year since I was there. I left in early December, and here it is half way through September. How did that time pass so quickly?

It's amazing how deeply my heart aches for that place. Looking through pictures of the trip almost makes me need to cry. Ok, I'm a bit of an emotional head case at times, but this is how I feel about it every time I think of Uganda. I can still smell the breeze, taste that amazing tea, and feel the African sun on my skin. But even more I can see the smiles of the young children, screaming "Muzungo!" and reaching for my hand. It feels like yesterday, yet it feels so far away.

Uganda put a spell on me. It completely changed the way I think about life. I can remember stressing before the trip, wondering if this was a good choice. Sure, I had always wanted to go, but this girl grew in a tiny town (I'm talking 24 in my senior class) and few people I knew had traveled out of the US, so Africa was out of the question . People thought it was crazy and super dangerous. (Remember the LRA? Kidnappings, murder, rape...Ya, Uganda has a brutal past) I couldn't help but feel the same at times. Africa seemed like a different planet, far away from home and all the securities I was used to.

To make matters worse, a lot of my plans fell through about a week before I was supposed to leave. I found myself scrambling to find a place to stay and new hosts. It was crazy. At one point I even talked to the airline about getting a refund. I was crushed. Everyone was telling me not to go. I remember that turmoil and feeling like my dream was so close, yet slipping through my fingers.

Long story short I put my big girl panties on and made it happen. I wasn't about to let my dream disappear. I can remember thinking that if I made it through Uganda I could die a happy lady and have no regrets.

Taking that leap of faith was the best choice I ever made. It was where I started Sis Hope, where I found myself, and where I realized life is what we make it. And now I can die a happy lady.

I can only hope to return to that magical place one day.

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