Thursday, August 26, 2010

First day of class = hot, sweaty mess

I'm generally always running late. It's probably something I should seek professional help for because, no matter what I do, I always end up late. My first day of graduate school was no different...

I live about 25 miles from school, so I decided to leave my house an hour early just to give myself enough time to get to campus, find a parking space, and get in class with plenty of time to spare. It is still pretty hot here in good ol Colorado and my main goal was to make it to my first day of class without being drenched in sweat.

So I make my way to campus, maneuver around the massive parking lots, and after searching for a good ten minutes I find perfect spot, really close to my building. I squeeze my way in, grab my wallet and take off for the parking meter, which by the way is located on the exact opposite side of this huge parking lot.

When I finally make it to the meter I see a note stating: "THIS METER ACCEPTS CASH ONLY". I'm screwed. I never, ever carry cash. If I have cash on my it is probably an accident. So I have no choice but to take off for my car and either a) find a parking lot that does accept my debit card or b) go find an ATM. I decide that I'm better off going to the gas station down the road and getting some cash.

At this poing I'm pissed. I'm annoyed this meter won't take my card, mad at myself for never carrying even five bucks in my wallet, and to make matters worse I am sweating. By this time it is about 2:12 and my class starts at 2:30.

I almost kill a pedestrian, but make it the gas station in record time. I race to the ATM, where I pay a $3.00 charge to get out 20 bucks. (grrrr) Just as I'm flying out the door I remember the meter doesn't take bills over $20. Parking is $4.50, so I decide it would be fast to just get change and play it safe with smaller bills. I run up to the cashier, hold out my $20 and say "Can I get change for this?"

"We don't give no change hunny," she says with a big smile that showcases the three teeth she has.

"Please, I am running late, I really need change."

"Sorry, can't do it."

So I grab two packs of gum, slam them down on the counter and say, "OK, then I want to buy this gum!"

"Are you sure you want two packs of gum?" (She looks at me like I'm crazy for wanting two packs)


"Ok, whatever you say..."

She slowly takes my money and starts to count my change when she looks up at me asks, "Do you have seven cents?"


"Ok...well do you have a nickel?"

"No, please ma'am can you hurry? I'm runing late for class?

"Well ok, but I'm low on change and I'm gonna hafta count out a dollar in dimes here..."

At this point I'm freaking out. It is now almost 2:20 and I'm definitely going to be late for class.

Susie Q finally gets me my change, I sprint out the door, with my two packs of gum and pocket full of dimes, and take off for campus.

I get back to the same parking lot, find a spot, grab $4.50 from my wallet and run for the meter. I get there, put my stall number in, and just as I prepare to slide in my money I notice it says I owe $5.50. At this point I'm the biggest idiot in the world, because I only took exact change to the meter (thinking I could run faster without my wallet in hand).

I have no choice but to run back to my car, grab my friggin wallet and sprint back to the meter. I'm basically on the verge of tears at this point.

Eventually, after exchaning some harsh words, I get the dang meter to accept my bills and I get my parking pass. I sprint back to my car, put it on the dash, grab my bag and take off for class.

I finally make it to class, where I walk in as a sweaty, hot mess just 30 seconds ahead of the professor.

And that my friends was my first day of graduate school.

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