Monday, December 20, 2010

I'm Annoyed.

Doesn't it feel good sometimes to vent?

I mean just really blow off some steam and gripe about your crappy day, whine about your run down car or that co-worker that really gets under your nerves?  I'm not one to keep my feelings hidden, so I find this process is absolutely necessary in my life and almost therapeutic. Trust me, it's better for everyone if I do this because I might end up even wackier if I had to keep my mouth shut. Lucky for my husband, he gets to listen to my craziness.

Unfortunately he isn't home. So I've got no other choice but to whine right here, on my blog, in a little segment called "I'm Annoyed".

I'm annoyed...

at the local news for reporting about every kitten massacre this side of the Mississippi.

at my dog for puking on either my bed or couch at least once a week.

at friends who never seem to truly compliment or support me.

at the fact that I now have to brush my teeth at least 5-6 times a day thanks to Invisalign.

at women who brag about the size of their wedding ring. No, that does not convince me that you have a happy marriage. I'll keep my 'lil ring and kickass husband, thanks.

at the fact that my new job agreed to a schedule that works for me, but changed their minds after I accepted the job.

at Facebook friends who love to post drunk pictures of themselves. No, that doesn't make me think you're cool.

at people who say "Happy Holidays". This is fricken Christmas, don't celebrate it if you don't want to call it what it is.

at the fact that the hair cut I need will easily cost me over 100 bucks at any decent salon, so I will likely end up at Cost Cutters. Because I'm cheap.

and lastly...I'm annoyed at myself for taking the time to type this post. I really do have a life.

{Now I should say that I have absolutely no reason to complain and I really should get over it. I know, I know, it's immature and counterproductive. You're right, I have everything I want in life and more. God is good.}

But dang it, somedays a girl just needs to vent!

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