Monday, December 13, 2010

Fairtrade Love meets Christmas

Check your calendars kids, Christmas is less than two weeks away. (Really, I'm not kidding. Look for yourself.)

Don't be scared, I've got a great list of lovely gifts for all you last minute shoppers. The really awesome part is that every gift listed here is a gift that gives twice! That means each and every one of these gifts will not only delight the person who receives it, but also empower the individual who made it. Nope, you won't find any sweatshop products here my friends.
Instead I've put together a great list of gifts that empower women in Uganda, organic coffee farmers in Latin America and widows in Iraq.

Sseko Designs is a fantastic social business dedicated to helping young women continue their education after secondary school. Founded by the lovely Liz Bohannon, Sseko provides university tuition for some of the brightest young women in Kampala, Uganda. These women live and work with Sseko for a nine month period before heading on to university, where they will go on to be doctors, lawyers, politicians, writers and teachers that will bring change and unification to a country divided and ravished by a 22 year-long war.

These gorgeous sandals come with interchangeable straps, so there are literally hundreds of ways to wear these babies!

Liga Masiva is a wonderful coffee company that connects organic coffee farmers in Latin America with caffeine addicted folks like myself. Before Liga Masiva, coffee farmers in the Dominican Republic were struggling. Because of the ups and downs of international commodity markets, and the many middlemen taking their cut of profits, a farmer often had to choose between eating and sending his child to school. And so Liga Masiva was formed in order to support these family farmers, who are now paid up to 200% of what they could otherwise earn.

The really nifty part here is that you can try out an entire month of coffee for FREE!

Tukula is another awesome social business based in Uganda. (I've mentioned I love Uganda, right?) Tukula is unique because they invest in talented tailors who create beautiful and unique handmade pieces. These women are already entrepreneurs who began their own tailoring business without any help. Tukula comes alongside these businesses to help them grow and realize their full potential. This model allows them to continue working in their own community, not only serving local customers but last minute Christmas shoppers as well.

Tukula is running some awesome Christmas deals right now. You'll get this fantastic clutch purse (picture below) for FREE with every order. Awesome, right?

Prosperity Candle is an outstanding company that empowers female entrepreneurs in Baghdad, Iraq. They work with widows who are rebuilding their lives in places of conflict and natural disaster, by partnering with them to provide the tools and resources needed to start a thriving candle business. Every candle purchased gives women the opportunity to earn above a living wage, grow her candle business, and become a leader in her community.

The women making these candles are truly remarkable and each has a touching story. The candles come in beautiful rich colors and fragrances.

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