Friday, December 31, 2010


Tomorrow is the first day of 2011. Crazy, I know. I'm not sure how or why time goes by so fast, but I wish it would slow down. I wish time would just chill out a bit so my life wouldn't feel like it zooms by. Some folks may like this, but I'm not one of them.

It's kind of fascinating to me how everyone feels like there is this big fresh start at the beginning of a new year. It makes sense I guess. The new calendar year can feel like a breath of fresh air, a chance to start a better person. You'll inevitably promise yourself that you'll quit that bad habit that's been following you around, start a new and exciting hobby, or lose those ten pounds. Crazy part is these resolutions only seem to last for a few weeks, maybe months if you're really dedicated. In truth, we'll more than likely slide back into our old habits and 2011 will very closely resemble 2010.

Ok, I'm being Debbie Downer here, but I do have a point. Why not do away with the resolutions and instead start revamping the way we think? Why not look at 2011 as an opportunity to think outside the box? Stop looking at life in these parameters of what we're supposed to do and start doing what truly makes us happy.

Monday, December 20, 2010

I'm Annoyed.

Doesn't it feel good sometimes to vent?

I mean just really blow off some steam and gripe about your crappy day, whine about your run down car or that co-worker that really gets under your nerves?  I'm not one to keep my feelings hidden, so I find this process is absolutely necessary in my life and almost therapeutic. Trust me, it's better for everyone if I do this because I might end up even wackier if I had to keep my mouth shut. Lucky for my husband, he gets to listen to my craziness.

Unfortunately he isn't home. So I've got no other choice but to whine right here, on my blog, in a little segment called "I'm Annoyed".

I'm annoyed...

at the local news for reporting about every kitten massacre this side of the Mississippi.

at my dog for puking on either my bed or couch at least once a week.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Don't be afraid, we keep him indoors.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Fairtrade Love meets Christmas

Check your calendars kids, Christmas is less than two weeks away. (Really, I'm not kidding. Look for yourself.)

Don't be scared, I've got a great list of lovely gifts for all you last minute shoppers. The really awesome part is that every gift listed here is a gift that gives twice! That means each and every one of these gifts will not only delight the person who receives it, but also empower the individual who made it. Nope, you won't find any sweatshop products here my friends.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Lookin' good.

Last week I decided that my little puppy Charlie, aka Chubs, needed his very own "ugly Christmas sweater".

You know what I'm talking about--that horrible bright red holiday sweater from the '80's with the sequins, cotton puffs, and bells? Ya, you've got one in your closet too.

So I got my creative juices flowing and within a few hours I created this masterpiece.

He loves it.

And now it is officially Christmas time.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

One year.

One year ago today my biggest dream came true.

One year ago today I stepped into the unknown and took the greatest risk of my life.

One year ago today I was changed forever.

One year ago today I left for Uganda.

It's hard to believe one year has already passed. It seems like yesterday. I hope I never forget that giddy feeling I felt on the morning of December 5th. I woke up before dawn and was like a kid on Christmas morning. No, scratch that. I was like ten kids rolled into one. The day had finally arrived and it was one I didn't think would ever happen. (True story: I almost had to cancel the whole trip just a few days before)