It's kind of fascinating to me how everyone feels like there is this big fresh start at the beginning of a new year. It makes sense I guess. The new calendar year can feel like a breath of fresh air, a chance to start a better person. You'll inevitably promise yourself that you'll quit that bad habit that's been following you around, start a new and exciting hobby, or lose those ten pounds. Crazy part is these resolutions only seem to last for a few weeks, maybe months if you're really dedicated. In truth, we'll more than likely slide back into our old habits and 2011 will very closely resemble 2010.
Ok, I'm being Debbie Downer here, but I do have a point. Why not do away with the resolutions and instead start revamping the way we think? Why not look at 2011 as an opportunity to think outside the box? Stop looking at life in these parameters of what we're supposed to do and start doing what truly makes us happy.