Monday, November 29, 2010

Seventeen Weeks

I saw this cute pregnancy survey on another blog and I thought it would be a fun way to keep track of this little baby bump. So here goes!

How far along? 17 weeks today! (I can't believe it's going so fast!)

How big is baby? Well according to my new favorite website Baby Center, the little one is about the size of a turnip this week and already 5 inches long. I know I'll look back on this and laugh, but that seems huge to me right now!

Total weight gain: Up 7 lbs at my appointment last week. I was expecting a lot more, considering I've been pounding donuts, so I'm pretty happy!

Stretch marks? Not yet, but I've been diligently slathering cocoa butter all over myself twice a day, so I think that is helping...although I've heard it's all genetics, so I'm probably doomed.

Movement? No! And I'm a little paranoid about not feeling anything yet. My doc says I might not feel movement until week twenty, so I'm trying to be patient...trying.

Food Cravings: Blah. Food just doesn't sound good. Things I once loved are just ok to me now and I often find myself standing in front of the fridge with a blank stare. I feel bad, because I know I should be eating lots of healthy things, but that doesn't always happen. I'm trying, but it has been challenging. Nothing really tastes that great, well other than cake donuts covered in sugar...Oh that is heaven. But I do drink a ton of water, that has to count for something, right?

What I'm looking forward to:Buying comfy maternity pants. I haven't bought any yet, but I plan on doing it this week if I can find a good deal. And our twenty week ultrasound, which is just around the corner. We're still trying to decide if we're going to find out the gender or wait for the delivery. I go back and forth every day, so it could go either way at this point.

Complaints: I think I've been pretty lucky so far, things have been easier than I expected. I did have a few ups and downs, like those killer migraines in weeks seven and eight, or the major bloating in weeks eleven and twelve (I was huge!) Aside from that I've felt pretty darn amazing. (Knock on wood)


  1. How did I not know you were pregnant?! Congrats, dear. You look great. :-)

  2. Thanks hun :) I've been keeping it kind of quiet until recently, so lots of people are just finding out!
