Saturday, November 6, 2010

Live Life. I Dare Ya.

I have a confession to make: I'm addicted to thinking, but in a way that may be borderline unhealthy.

I'm an Over-Thinker, which means I have to weigh out the pros and cons of just about any decision-big or small-and I never stop thinking. I'm always thinking up some new and exciting career, or dreaming about what area of the world I'd like to see next. (And when I say next, I mean get on a plane tomorrow and go. I spend way too much time thinking about this one.) But the problem is being bold enough to act.

I've always admired those who can simply make a spontaneous decision and roll with it. I love the idea of 'living in the moment', but isn't always so easy. And when I say 'live in the moment' I mean live without hesitation, fear, or regret.

Going to Africa last year was me 'living in the moment'. It was a dream come true and an experience that taught me what it really means to seize the day. It means pushing aside fear and uncertainty in order to reach your dreams. It's an exhilarating rush and one that I've come to crave.

So why don't more people do this? Why is it so hard? I think society wants us to feel trapped by rules that we impose on ourselves and follow without question. We're taught the right thing to do is play it safe and float through life without creating too many ripples. We need that 9 to 5 to feel 'normal'. Don't take risks, color outside the lines, or break tradition. Listen to what others tell you to do and don't ask questions. Sure, you may have dreams but that's all they'll ever be.

That kind of life is my #1 fear. And it should be yours too. I don't want to be someone who constantly lives in stress and anxiety over the unknown. I want to take life by the tail, drag it behind me and show it who's boss. I want to take risks, pursue my dreams and break free from notions of impracticality. I want to live life on my own terms.

So tonight, as I ponder my own dreams and goals, I'd ask that you do the same thing. What is it that YOU want to do with your life? What dreams have you not yet accomplished? Are you happy? I'd encourage you to think about your reaction to these questions and squash any negative thoughts that creep in behind. Don't let yourself even go there. You'll probably start to stress out right away, because your conscious is telling you Nope, It Can't Happen, Move On. But here is your opportunity to give that guy a stiff slap across the face and Start Living Life.

Do it, I dare you.

P.S. If you need more motivation to get moving check out the lovely Ashley over at the Middle Finger Project.


  1. Hey Sarah,

    Really enjoyed the post. What do I want to do with my life? A whole bunch of things! Write and produce a feature length film and web series, travel like a maniac, start a program to teach kids about entrepreneurship and inspire them to follow their dreams before they're hit with that socially-inflicted cynicism, start an online art collective, adopt a child, write a book, do a TED talk...

    These are just the dreams I have yet to accomplish, but I feel like I'm moving toward them and I feel really fortunate to have woken up to the possibilities of life. So yes, I'm happy. The future is exciting!

  2. Thanks Puttylike! I love your list and can totally relate. I have about 20 things I'd like to do with my life and the list is always changing/growing. I really loved your post about not settling for an unsatisfying job and I totally agree that it would be amazing to be proficient in lots of different things.

    I think the important part is always moving forward with something I'm passionate about and never settling. You're right, the future is exciting and I can't wait to see how it plays out!
