Monday, November 15, 2010

Grad School Disappointment

My first semester of graduate school is winding down and I can't help but feel disappointed in my experience so far.

It started out with a bang in August. I was so excited to actually start something I had been tossing and turning over for a long time. I wanted to jump in head first, so I quit my job and decided to dedicate myself to school full time. I felt like I was finally on the right track...But things went down hill pretty fast after the first few weeks.

The class I was most excited about turned out to be a complete joke. The professor for this course is unlike any I have ever met. While things started out on a positive note, it didn't take long for me to realize that this guy is absolutely crazy. He literally came to class one night furious because he was sick, but had to come anyway to teach us. I've never been lectured by a professor, but I seriously felt like I was getting scolded by my Grandpa, only this one is foreign and has a very strong accent.

That was only the beginning and things got worse from that point on. Since then, every class has been full of his personal opinions and anti-USA rants and raves. I can honestly say I have not learned one thing, other than what I'm getting out of my reading, which is pretty dismal. He spends every three hour class going over why he hates the US government, our military, and our traditions. Last week he spent a good half hour telling us why he hates Thanksgiving and that it's a silly little American holiday...

I'm completely disappointed and let down. I was so excited about this class and all the wonderful things I would learn. And now, as the semester draws to a close, I can't help but feel cheated. I'm not excited about graduate school anymore and I'm wondering if I made the right choice by leaving my old job for this...I know I shouldn't let this guy and this class throw me completely off track, but right now my heart just isn't in it...

Oh vey.


  1. Same here, the class I was most excited about turns out to be my least favorite. But think of it this way, you've learned that there's one prof in the department who is a nutcase. Now you don't have to waste another class with him. Same with me -- even though I like a certain prof, I don't agree with his grading style so I'm going to avoid him for the next three semesters. Try ... I've found it's surprisingly accurate.

    Don't let one crotchety old anti-American dude get you down. (Even though I'd feel pretty cheated, too... totally valid feelings!) Is there a class next semester that you're particularly looking forward to?

  2. Thanks for the advice Renee! I'll definitely avoid this guy in the future. I'll have to check out that website, it would have been nice to know more about him back in August.

    I'm not sure about next semester yet. Unfortunately, my program isn't that big so there aren't a ton of classes to choose from. I'll figure something out, but it's kinda hard to get excited right now! I'm hoping the Christmas break will rejuvenate me!

    Thanks again and good luck with the end of your semester!
