Friday, January 14, 2011

How about Edgar?

I'm just about 24 weeks pregnant, which means I'm officially into the sixth month. I'm at the point where most people already have their names picked and are busy decorating the nursery in either pink or blue.

Well that isn't us.

I figure we've got at least another couple of weeks before we should start putting a nursery together...Right? I mean,  I have a few ideas and I'm pretty confident that we'll create a beautiful and peaceful room...eventually.

I'm not worried about that.

However, I am beginning to seriously doubt our name-choosing skills. Do you realize how hard it is to name a human being? Really, think about it. This little person is going to have this name forever, well unless I do so badly that he or she decides to legally change it.

Oy vey, that would not be fun.

But really, this is serious stuff and I know from personal experience how much it can suck to have a weird name. Long story short, my parents gave me a very odd sounding middle name. Instead of using my first name, Sarah, which is beautiful and pretty, they decided to call me by my middle goes...*gulp*...Joydawn. I'm still not quite sure why they decided to torture me this way. I suppose it isn't such a bad name in theory, but kids can be cruel and I definitely had my share of teasing. To make matters worse, no one could ever pronounce it right.

"Hi, I'm Joydawn."


"No, Joydawn."

"Oh ok, Joodon."

How hard it is to put Joy and Dawn together? Really? I can remember one particularly scarring moment in junior high when the announcer at my All-Star basketball game (a pretty big deal in my day) completely slaughtered my name. I was so proud to be a starter, but completely crushed to hear how this idiot announced my name before I ran out on the court, "Jooooo...Joe.....Joe Don?" (Awkward delayed applause)


That was the day that I demanded everyone start calling me by my first name.

So now you can understand why I'm slightly paranoid about choosing a name for this little one. We decided not to find out the sex of the baby. Shocker, I know, but it has actually been really fun speculating back and forth. But the challenging part here is choosing two names. We've got to come up with a girl and a boy name.  While it is fun in one regard, I am starting to squirm a bit. We have some pretty solid girl names, but I'm basically a blank slate on boy names. Boy names are just boring and I'm sorry, but they're not pretty. I want a name that gives me butterflies in my stomach and I just can't find that.

I've got 16 more weeks to figure it out and that's if the baby stays in the oven until the due date.  So until then you can find me scrolling through the baby name books with a panicked look on my face.


  1. Don't still have time and you'll pick just the right name when it's the right time-even if that's when you see them for the very first time. :) My mom named me Shayla Ashia. Try to explain that. I was embarrassed when I was little but now I try to explain it and I love having a "different" name.

  2. Thanks! I actually love your name, so pretty! I'm sure we'll come up with something in time, even if it is last minute. :)
