Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Birth Story: Part Dos

Here I was, the day before going into labor....

Day before going into labor. HUGE!

Ok, where were we...Ah yes, the doc just told me that I'm 6cm dilated and it's time to head on over to Labor and Delivery. I remember feeling so unbelievably happy to finally, finally be in labor. This meant I wouldn't have to be induced anymore and I would actually get to have the labor I always wanted. Or so I thought.

The Hubs and I basically skipped out to the car to get our bags. Yes, I was having killer contractions but I was simply way too happy to care. It was the craziest feeling, knowing that we'd have our baby very soon. We still didn't know if we were getting a boy or girl, so that just added to the excitement. (And by the way, waiting for the surprise was totally worth it.) We got ourselves checked into Labor and Delivery pretty quickly. I started dancing as we walked to our room and I'm sure the nurses thought I was crazy. They told me they had never seen someone dance while in labor. I guess there's a first for everything, right?

So after getting checked in and all set up in our room things got a little more serious. Contractions were really ramping up and suddenly I wasn't in the dancing mood anymore.  I brought my laptop along so I could play some of my favorite music to help relax. I listened to a weird mix: Raggae, AC/DC, Pink, the Black Eyed Peas-anything to help me get through contractions. I was determined not to get an epidural, so I was doing my best to distract myself from the pain. I walked around, sat on the birthing ball, and held on to the Hubs as each one got stronger.

After a while, hard to say how much time had passed, Doc came in and broke my water. And then things got REALLY serious. It was go time. Contractions were coming about every minute, leaving me with almost no break. It literally felt like my lower half was being ripped off. I have never felt pain like that, including the time my front teeth got broken off during a high school basketball game. At each contraction I would grab onto Hubs and pray for it to pass. We only did half of our birthing class (long story) so I didn't exactly get to learn about all the breathing techniques. So I did what any gal would do. I groaned and wimpered through each hellish contraction. I'm proud to say I never yelled at Hubs, just squeezed him hard enough to leave bruises.

After a few hours of this Doc came in and checked me. I figured all those contractions had to get me up to at least 9cm...No chance. She said I was between 7.5 and 8cm dilated. I remember looking at her in disbelief. No way. I had to be further than that. She said I probably had a large baby on my hands and it would be a slow process. At that point I felt like dying. A big baby? I was already almost a week overdue, so I kind of expected the little one to be a bit chunky, but I was in no way prepared to labor a large child. Nope. Not gonna happen. Doc had been gone five minutes when the nurse came in and asked if I was still against the epidural. I told her no, I didn't want it, but asked about other pain meds. She didn't have much to offer and after a conversation that I was only half-way paying attention to, I said, "Yes, give me the epidural!"

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