Friday, September 16, 2011

4 Months

My baby boy is 4 months old.

I have absolutely no idea how this happened. It seems like we just brought him home last week. I guess they were right, it does go by way too fast.

He is:

-incredibly happy most of the time

-loves to smile

-makes at least a gallon of drool a day

-squeals in delight when I tickle him

-goes to bed around 7ish most nights

-still swaddled and won't sleep without it

-weighs 16lbs 7oz and 26.5" long

-loves to stand and already has great balance

-no longer hates tummy time, just doesn't like it for more than 5 minutes

-sleeps in his own room now, which makes me sad. I miss him at night!


-absolutely love being a mom. It really is the best thing ever.

-am crazy busy with classes and still trying to figure out how to be a grad student and mom

-getting back into running and finally starting to feel like myself physically

-hate when we're out in public and complete strangers touch my boy. How is that ok?

-still love breastfeeding for a zillion reasons and really hoping it continues to go smoothly

-officially back in my pre-pregnancy jeans. Tight squeeze, but hey I'm in them.

-dreading the shorter days and already missing summer.

-only have 4 weeks of Invisalign left!

-can't stop kissing my boy.